My friend, Stew, asked me to show what I carry in my sling backpack, so as I was packing up for Segment 3 of the Trek (South Haven to Grand Haven), I thought it would be a good time to show just what goes in to packing for a segment.
The weather is going to be cold on this next part, in the high-30s to mid-40s. And we might get some SNOW. Yep. Since this is only a three-day segment, my pack will actually be a little lighter than you may expect.
The first two photos show the stuffed, then exploded pack. Since I'll be wearing at least four layers, I need to pack fewer extra clothes.

This is what I'll wear on Monday (a little shout out to Spalding University where I got my MFA).
I always carry rubber bands and trash bags and extra ziplocs (in addition to the ones for snacks and my maps). The red bag has band aids, antibiotic ointment, toothbrush, advil, etc.

Technology plays a part in the Lake Trek. I carry a cell phone and a GPS and a flashlight from my friend Vickie and her husband, Gene. I always have my business card and post cards with me, too.
Snacks are essential. I carry Bob's Beef Jerky (he's a butcher in South Haven) and Almond M&Ms (in Spring colors!) along with dried fruit and granola.
Extra layers like a t-shirt, wool vest, and a warm scarf come in handy. The blue bottle has built-in filters so I can drink water right from the lake. The red Swiss Army knife was a gift from my brother (and Lake Trek Transporter), Phil.

The silver ball attached to the strap of my pack was a gift from my friend, Robin. Inside there is a little compass.

I just got my new, larger pack for upcoming longer segments, and I look forward to showing you what goes into a seven-day pack!
So, about that backpack :) Wow you and Luc rock! It must have been a bit on the cold side. I am certain my backpack will have similiar items...uh huh!
ReplyDeleteStill not scared off!
Loreen- heard about your trek on the news tonight. Do you know when you will make it to Ludington? I'd love to interview you for my blog getoffthecouchnews.blogspot.com (I did a little article today), and maybe walk with you for a short way if you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteJoan Young (NCT hiker) jhy @ t-one.net
thanks for the photo essay on essential backpack preparation. well done and can't wait to see the 'biggie' version. I thought the water bottle the most ingenious member of the 'permanent backpack troupe.' happy trails my friend.....