Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Respite from the Long Hike

I'm often asked if I get lonely while on the hike. On my first adventure, I tackled it in small chunks and was often shadowed by my brother Phil who would meet up with me at the end of each day. On this hike, I'm taking it in much larger chunks and without a support car. I have more gear to carry, too, so the hike is more demanding.
I have been taking breaks along the way this time, and I had a wonderful break this past weekend with friends and family who met up with me along the way.

Luanne and Bill (in first photo) opened their vacation home to me and my sister and bro-in-law.

Their friends, Glenis and Charlie (second photo), were visiting from Scotland and they were great fun.

Les and Ron drove me to see the Lumberman's Monument on the shores of the Au Sable River. We walked the 200+ stairs to the river.

The last photo is of me and the monument to the men who logged this area.

Location:Greenbush, MI

1 comment:

  1. I stood on that same spot some 35 years ago. Looks like the family has come full circle. Mom
