Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tales from the BOOK TOUR...part 7

Here's a short video from my book tour travels in the Metro Detroit area.

I hope to see you along the way!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) is now in its second (of five) year of funding. Initially planned as a $2.1 billion plan over five years, the funding has been scaled back to only $350 million dollars this year and will probably be scaled back to $300 million next year.

Some people may question the wisdom of funding this program at a time when the country has an economic slump. Well, consider this:

A 2007 Brookings Institution report predicts $50 billion in long-term economic benefits from rehabilitating
the Great Lakes.

I firmly believe that our Great Lakes should be restored and protected even if there is no economic benefit.

We are the caretakers of our environment. The Great Lakes are a natural treasure that should be enjoyed and respected and protected so that future generations can walk these beaches and dunes and enjoy these vast inland seas.

A recent article on the GLRI can be found in the Christian Science Monitor HERE.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Interview on WXYZ-TV today!

A big thanks to Anu Prakash at WXYZ for the lovely interview this morning!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Greening of the Great Lakes

Greening of the Great Lakes
conversation with Kirk Heinze is scheduled to air on our program this weekend. That means flagship WJR AM 760 Sunday at 9 p.m. And it means Sunday at 11 a.m. on 1340 AM WJRW in Grand Rapids. And it airs Saturday at 11 a.m. on stations in Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Muskegon and Saginaw.

Kirk Heinze

Kirk Heinze

Greening of the Great Lakes host Kirk Heinze has served in MSU's College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for three decades as a faculty member, a department chairperson and, most recently, as director of Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications.

The interview is now live HERE.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Detroit Free Press Series on the Great Lakes

Michigan is a state comprised of two almost-touching peninsulas. We are surrounded on three sides by water.

Vast water: our Great Lakes.

Michigan is the only state that touches 4 of the 5 Great Lakes. Our edges are mostly defined by water.

We Michiganders are peninsular people.

And we Michiganders are going through a tough time economically, as is most of the country. The Free Press is doing a series of articles titled:

"Water shaped Michigan's past:
Now it's a key to state's future"

From the first article in the series:

"Michigan grew up on the Great Lakes. It can grow anew from their cool, abundant waters -- if they are used wisely and protected.

The greatest natural resource in all of North America and perhaps on our planet, the sweet water seas brought people to Michigan's peninsulas and moved Michigan ore, timber and manufactured goods to markets around the world.

The lake waters nourish our crops, slake our thirst, cool our machinery and change our weather -- sometimes rather abruptly. They provide fun, fish and spectacular vistas for millions of people.

In a world where 1 in every 6 people lacks daily access to fresh water, the Great Lakes are a treasure of immeasurable value.

And yet they have been exploited, depleted and polluted. They are threatened by invaders, foreign and domestic, some already in the waters or on the way, others on dry lands."

This is an important look at our lakes and how vital they are to Michigan, our nation, North America, and, possibly, the world.

Read the entire first article HERE.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tales from the BOOK TOUR...part 6

Memorial Day weekend took me to the lakeshore in SW Michigan for three stops on my book tour. The first was at Buffalo Books in New Buffalo. This store is a combination bookstore and art gallery featuring 22 local artists. The art work is fantastic and ranges from oil paintings, to pastels, to stained glass windows and drawings. There is a lot of talent along the lakeshore!

My next two events were just up the shoreline a bit in South Haven. I gave a presentation with photos at the Senior Center there to a great group of about 30 people. They had great questions for me, too! Afterward, a few of the seniors joined me for a stroll down to the lighthouse and then back to Black River Books.

The next day, I had an author event at Black River Books. It was a combination signing/reading/conversation that stretched over three hours. There was a small circle of chairs in the store and as people filtered in and out, the circle would fill up for a time, then empty out again for the next group. It seems like everyone has questions about my Lake Trek, and I am always happy to answer them.

Black River Books is owned by Dick and Pam Haferman and they often bring their Labradoodles (Booker and Dewey) into the store. The store is mostly used books that the Hafermans acquire from estate sales and other book-sleuthing techniques. I never leave there empty handed!

Here's a short video from my book tour travels, and I hope to see you along the way!