Friday, March 4, 2011

Budget Cuts Effect the GLRI

I've blogged several times about the
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI).

This is the ten-year, $5 billion program to improve the health of the Great Lakes. With Congress cutting away at the budget, the GLRI is on the chopping block.

These are tough economic times, but the GLRI is an investment not only into the lakes but into the economy they support.

It is estimated that 15% of the jobs in Michigan
are related to the Great Lakes.

Jim Diana, Director of the Michigan Sea Grant, points out research done by The Brookings Institute:

"The Brookings Institute estimated that $18 billion to $31 billion in economic benefits would result from Great Lakes restoration, at a ratio of about 2 to1, benefit to cost. The investment for restoration is a one-time cost, while the benefits increase with time."

How many other budget line items promise
to give BACK to the country?

Let your representatives know that you support the GLRI and that it is a good investment in the economy of the Great Lakes.


  1. Your 1,000 mile walk is an inspiration. I'd love to walk the coastline of Nova Scotia.

    Keep on trekkin'


  2. You have a lovely blog, Sybil.

    Readers should check it out here:

    That's a pretty rocky coastline! Much like Michigan's UP!

    All the best to you,
