Sunday, March 15, 2009

In Chicago for the Beginning

I arrived by train to Chicago around noon today. It is a gorgeous, sunny day, and more of the same is in the forecast. I walked to Barbara's Bookstore on Roosevelt from Union station. At Barbara's, I met Gail, the manager and we chatted about the Trek and the books she stocked about the Great Lakes.

From there I walked to the Art Institute of Chicago to catch the Edvard Munch exhibit. It was pretty crowded, but the exhibit was quite good.

After checking in at my hotel, I took a cab to the independent bookstore that is furthest away from the lake (of all that I will visit on the Trek): Quimby's in Wicker Park. Quimby's is a fun, radical bookstore which stocks a lot of out-of-the-mainstream books and mags and other stuff. It is a haven for the graphic novel and writing with an edge. They stock some of my favorites: everything published by McSweeny's, Sara Vowell, and David Sedaris. Quimby's probably isn't the place you'd find my Lake Trek book, but that's cool because Quimby's is cool and is keeping a very independent vibe alive in Wicker Park.

I'm going out to dinner soon, then will try to get some sleep tonight before beginning the trek tomorrow. I'm so excited, though, I feel like running down the lakeshore right now.


  1. Loreen-Thought about you a lot today; with some pangs of jealousy, I might add! Hope it went well. What a gorgeous day to begin. Stay safe. Kathy Grosso

  2. reen! i'm with you. i did get a passport, but i don't have a gun permit yet.

  3. glad the weather is nice and hope it continues. take care!

  4. Hey Reen, Glad things are going so well and all your work outs have paid off. Hope you didn't lose too much at the casino stop. Mom and Phil
