Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Teamwork on Isle Royale

Loreen Niewenhuis is an author, adventurer, and Great Lakes speaker. She has completed a trilogy of 1,000-mile adventures exploring the Great Lakes and has written three books about the Great Lakes [A 1,000-Mile Walk on the Beach *a Heartland Indie Bestseller*A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Walk *winner of the Great Lakes Great Reads Award*, and A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Island Adventure]. To learn more about her work, or to book her as a speaker, go to

This year I hiked my third Moosewatch Expedition on Isle Royale. 
This is a team venture, and we rely on each other throughout the week.

Team (L>R) Mark, Me, Bob, Chris, Jenny, & Hal

Mark holds a found antler

The wildlife study is led by Rolf Peterson 

Jenny and Chris (our team leader)

Me and Jenny by a huge fallen tree

Chris takes a bite

The team spreads out to find bones

Breaking camp. Hal cleans house.

Moose team!

On the island

Gathering around the Solo Stove to cook dinner

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