Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Small Life on Isle Royale

Loreen Niewenhuis is an author, adventurer, and Great Lakes speaker. She has completed a trilogy of 1,000-mile adventures exploring the Great Lakes and has written three books about the Great Lakes [A 1,000-Mile Walk on the Beach *a Heartland Indie Bestseller*A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Walk *winner of the Great Lakes Great Reads Award*, and A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Island Adventure]. To learn more about her work, or to book her as a speaker, go to

Isle Royale is surrounded by Lake Superior. It is a rocky, harsh environment, but life finds a way to flourish here, especially in miniature.
Enjoy these close-ups of tiny life on this wilderness island.

Vibrant algae/fungus in this fallen stick

Slime mold

Yellow lichen

Over 700 types of lichen thrive on Isle Royale.
This vibrant, purple lichen (below) grows on a rock wall on the shores of Lake Superior.

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