Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Grand Island Exploration

Grand Island is located in the bay near the city of Munising, MI. The Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is to the east.

(L>R) Julian, Alison, & Me

I had time to explore this island by bike and hiking with my niece and nephew after we kayaked the Apostle Islands.

My nephew, Julian, and niece, Alison 

Thunder cove!

Grand Island has the same sandstone base as the nearby Pictured Rocks, so there are caves and carvings done by the waves of Lake superior on its edges.

On my bike

There is much to explore here: old growth trees, caves (both coastal and interior), historic sites, waterfalls, and much more.
Camping is permitted in the national forest portion of the island with permit.

On the edge of Grand Island

This island is one of many that I am exploring for my upcoming book,
A 1000-Mile Great Lakes ISLAND Adventure
which will be released next year (2015).

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