Saturday, February 16, 2013

Handfuls of Lake Huron

Here is a glimpse at Lake Huron
by the handful.

Stones from the Presque Isle area

A mix of stones and shells on Lake Huron's shoreline

And then there's the PUDDINGSTONE.

This is the common name given to this distinctive conglomerate stone (Jasper Conglomerate) comprised of a mix of colorful pebbles embedded in a finer-grained matrix.

Early British settlers to the Great Lakes region were reminded of their Christmas pudding when they saw these rocks, 
hence the name.

Drummond Island puddingstone

The Drummond Puddingstone is especially colorful.
While formed mainly in the northern regions of Lake Huron, ice sheets have moved these distinctive rocks as far south as Ohio and Kentucky.

Puddingstone flipside

There was a band of quartz in this specimen.

And, of course, the zebra mussel has populated Lake Huron and shells can be found along the shoreline.

Lake Superior is the only lake to not be 
overwhelmed by these invasive mussels. 

There is less dissolved calcium in Lake Superior available to these mussels, and they need calcium in order to create their shells. 

Zebra Mussel shells

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