I had the great pleasure of meeting the photographer
Kevin J. Miyazaki yesterday in Saugatuck, Michigan.
He is making his way around Lake Michigan over two weeks. The Haggerty Museum in Milwaukee has commissioned Miyazaki journey. He is searching for people connected to Lake Michigan.
Kevin J. Miyazaki, Photographer
From Miyazaki's statement about the project:
When completed, I hope to have a collection of portraits which represent Lake Michigan in human terms - in the faces of people spanning its 1600 miles of shoreline - whose lives are connected and enriched by the presence of this beautiful body of water.
Some of the Portraits for the PERIMETER PROJECT
I am honored to be included in this project.
The exhibit will open at the Haggerty Museum in Milwaukee in January 2013.
Here's the photo of me that will be included in the exhibit!
Learn more about Miyazaki's work and the Perimeter Project HERE and HERE.