The orange shaded region on the map above represents the Great Lakes basin.
This means that every drop of rain that falls in this area will drain into the Great Lakes and then flow to the North Atlantic Ocean through the St. Lawrence Seaway. Every river in the orange flows into the lakes, everything that is dumped onto the land or waterways here will eventually make its way to the Great Lakes.
This means that every drop of rain that falls in this area will drain into the Great Lakes and then flow to the North Atlantic Ocean through the St. Lawrence Seaway. Every river in the orange flows into the lakes, everything that is dumped onto the land or waterways here will eventually make its way to the Great Lakes.
The idea of a "Symphony of Voices" is being coordinated by the International Secretariat for Water, a nonprof based in Montreal. They say:
"The Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Symphony is part celebration and part public awareness campaign to bring people together for a shared vision that can help influence policy and the way we treat this precious resource in the future.
The project began in the autumn of 2011 and will run into the summer of 2012. Several interested parties have signed on to partner with the ISW, including members of American Indian and First Nation tribes, regional sustainability groups, Great Lakes United, LSSU, Wayne State University and other universities.
The 1st Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Symphony is an attempt to unite the people who live and work along the hydrological basin of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River in an effort to protect this natural resource that plays such a vital role in our lives--from its importance as a shipping channel for commerce, to the fish we catch, and the water we drink."
They are seeking input from everyone in the basin, from scientists and environmental groups, to lake freighter captains, to CEOs of companies whose businesses rely on these waters, to fishermen, to parents who enjoy taking their kids to their favorite beach.
Here are the questions they are asking people to address:
• What unites all of us who live along the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence system?
• What is important to us and what worries us regarding our water?
• What do we want to promote?
• What is our shared vision for 2035?
• What actions should we take to make our vision come true?
• What is important to us and what worries us regarding our water?
• What do we want to promote?
• What is our shared vision for 2035?
• What actions should we take to make our vision come true?
Read more about the project HERE
And post YOUR answers to the questions on their BLOG HERE as a comment
The group will gather input to help them form a vision statement for the region.
The group will gather input to help them form a vision statement for the region.