Saturday, May 23, 2009

Segment 5 Complete!

Segment 5 took me from Ludington to Suttons Bay, May 14-20. It mapped out at 107 miles and took 7 days. A gear mishap on day one of this segment necessitated me omitting some miles from Ludington to Manistee. I will head back north this coming week to cover those missed miles.

I passed the 350 mile mark in the trek, and the total now stands at 355.

The lake has a wild side and I got my first real taste of it in this segment. There were bobcat tracks and deer who had been taken down by a larger predator. While camping in Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore I heard owls and coyotes and deer and one extremely loud raccoon.

I visited one new bookstore in this segment. Check out the link for Brilliant Books in beautiful Suttons Bay. And I stopped in at The Bookstore in Frankfort again.

UPDATE: On June 3, I went up to Manistee and covered the missing 18 miles between Manistee and Ludington.


  1. Loreen
    I read about your adventure in the Record Eagle and I am very jealous.
    We used to walk the shore from Elk Rapids to Charlevoix...maybe 3-4 miles at a time.
    I was surprised to see how much everything changes year after year.
    I look forward to reading your blog and experiences.
    Be safe and enjoy every minute!
    Marilyn Stanley
