Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Galleon Andalucia Docks in Traverse City

Loreen Niewenhuis is an author, adventurer, and Great Lakes speaker. She has completed a trilogy of 1,000-mile adventures exploring the Great Lakes and has written three books about the Great Lakes [A 1,000-Mile Walk on the Beach *a Heartland Indie Bestseller*A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Walk *winner of the Great Lakes Great Reads Award*, and A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Island Adventure]. To learn more about her work, or to book her as a speaker, go to

For my second Great Lakes Adventure, I participated in the recreation of the Battle of Lake Erie. Fifteen tall ships sailed Lake Erie for this event. It was the largest naval battle reenactment ever done in America.

This week I had the pleasure of watching another tall ship, the galleon Andalucia enter West Grand Traverse Bay and dock at the harbor.

Andalucia at the dock 

 This ship is a reproduction of a Spanish galleon from the 1500s -- predating the ships that took place in the Battle of Lake Erie by centuries.

The stern of the Andalucia

This 500-ton vessel is over 150 feet long! 

People line up to tour the galleon

Thursday, July 21, 2016

30 seconds on Isle Royale

Loreen Niewenhuis is an author, adventurer, and Great Lakes speaker. She has completed a trilogy of 1,000-mile adventures exploring the Great Lakes and has written three books about the Great Lakes [A 1,000-Mile Walk on the Beach *a Heartland Indie Bestseller*A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Walk *winner of the Great Lakes Great Reads Award*, and A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Island Adventure]. To learn more about her work, or to book her as a speaker, go to

I have seen so much natural beauty while exploring our Great Lakes.

Let me share just a glimpse of some of the places I've been. Here's 30 seconds on Isle Royale. A quiet day on one of the island's many lakes, Linklater Lake.