Sunday, February 22, 2015

Explorers of the Great Lakes

If you've been to Chicago, you've probably walked Michigan Avenue over the Chicago River.
You may have walked over this historic site without realizing that you were on the location of Fort Dearborn. This garrison was destroyed during the War of 1812 and later rebuilt on the same site.

Michigan Ave. bridge

These magnificent sculptures flanking the bridge commemorate this battle.

Commemorating the defense of Fort Dearborn during the War of 1812

And a smaller plaque behind them remembers early European explorers of the region.

Cavilier, La Salle, and de Tonti passed this way in 1681

In my upcoming book, I tell the story of European exploration of the Great Lakes. Did you know Lake Erie was the last lake to be seen by Europeans? Do you know why?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ice on the Great Lakes

On February 14, the Great Lakes had 68.3% ice coverage. Lake Erie is the shallowest Great Lake and always freezes faster than the other, 
deeper lakes. 
In the NOAA image below, the darker the area on the lake, the more complete the ice coverage.

Lake Michigan is unique. It is deeper than Lake Huron, and prevailing winds tend to break up the ice that forms on edge of the west side of the lake, then move it across to the eastern shore. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Researching the islands of our Great Lakes

For my upcoming book, 
I delved into the history of the islands and uncovered some fascinating stories.

The photo below is of Christy Anne Morrison, one of only two survivors from the sinking of the Asia, a ferry making a route to Manitoulin Island in the fall of 1882.

And this second photo is of the famous diving horse that entertained crowds by plunging 40 feet into the waters around Toronto Island.

These are just two of the fascinating stories I explore in my upcoming book.
It will be available to select indie bookstores this May, then everywhere in June.

Please check out my schedule of speaking engagements in the sidebar here. I am still adding events, so check back to see if I'll be coming to your town.

I hope to see you along the way!