Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Adventure Concludes!

The final 15 miles of my 
took place in Niagara Falls, Ontario, along the Niagara River Recreational Trail. 

On October 19-20, I hiked with a fantastic group of people 
who came to the falls 
to join me for the final miles of my adventure.

We had lovely weather the first day, hiking among the bright colors of fall.  Our break the first day was at a winery along the way. We stopped for wine and cheese. 

That's classy hiking!

My sister (Leslie), Me, and my cousin (Milene)

Hiking amidst the fall leaves

Niagara River merging with Lake Ontario

Hikers Day 1 at Brock's Monument

Hikers Day 2

Overlooking the Niagara River

Hikers celebrate the end of the hike

The Falls

I'd like to thank everyone who came to Niagara to celebrate the finale of my hike, people who have followed my adventure, and to all of you who care about our Great Lakes.

I will continue to blog about issues effecting our Great Lakes.

The book about this hike, 
will be released in early 2013.
Please watch for it at your favorite independent bookstore, and watch the sidebar here for my upcoming book tour and speaking engagements. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Finale in Niagara.

(check out the details by clicking link above)
I'll hike the final 15 miles this Friday and Saturday (October 19 & 20) along the Niagara River Recreational Trail from 
Niagara Falls!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Salmon Run Early

Everything is a little early this year. We had a mild spring and a hot, hot summer. 
The salmon are even heading upstream to spawn a couple of weeks ahead of schedule.

Salmon swimming up the Crystal River

This fisherman landed a 14#er, then headed out to catch another

As always, this migration is met with enthusiasm from fisherpeople. 

The fish station in Frankfort

Fishing for salmon in Frankfort, MI

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shoreline Birds

Sanderlings scurry along...

...then take flight

Many winged creatures make their home at the edge of the lake.

Here are some photos I took along the way.

Turkey vulture on the shoreline

Merganser ducks take to the water...

...then discuss which way to go

A hairy woodpecker works away at a fallen branch

Solitary sandpiper, a master of rocks and waves

Same solitary sandpiper, still quite alone

Canadian geese along Lake Michigan

Two bald eagles meet in mid-air...

...and engage

A cormorant tucks in