This brought the total for the Lake Trek to 1,019 miles!
The Lake Trek came full circle, but the adventure continues. I have been writing the book of my journey on breaks between segments. I will now take time to complete and revise that book, A 1,000 Mile Walk on the Beach.
The entire adventure could not be conveyed in this blog format. There is so much more to tell, and my book will be filled with encounters and places and people that would not fit here. There is also an inner journey that took place and that is also best conveyed in the pages of a book.
In November, I will be a volunteer lighthouse keeper at the Grand Traverse Lighthouse north of Traverse City on the tip of the Leelanau Peninsula. I will post reports and photos of this experience.
I will also continue to blog about legislation that concerns the Great Lakes and about efforts to restore the lakes to full health. I'll also revisit the thousands of photos I took along the way and post more of them here. Of course, I'll post updates about the progress of my book and its own journey in the publishing world.
Lake Michigan continues to call me back to its shores and I'll continue to answer and report on 'my' lake. I am filled with an overwhelming sense of completion, and yet there is so much more to accomplish. The long days of walking may be complete, but the writing and reflecting still stretches before me.
So, check back here often. And thanks once again for coming along on my grand, Lake Trek adventure!